"It is a capital mistake to theorise before one has data."
- Sherlock Holmes
Your Member Dashboard is your ticket to new insight and understanding about how you operate and how that impacts your health & wellbeing. It's also great way to stay motivated, engaged with your efforts, rewarded for your successes and supported through your challenges.
It forms the basis of our coaching and we hope it becomes a powerful tool for you as you reach for new heights of personal development.
Head to "My Profile" now to check out your Dashboard.
If you have trouble accessing it via the app, please send a request to info@groupexercisetherapy.com.au and we will send you the link.
**If you haven't yet submitted your profile picture, click here to submit your smiling face now!!**
Check out the above video to learn all about the amazing features currently available.
- Attendance Page Explained - 00:52s
- Challenge Data Explained - 3:09
- Progress Page Explained - 04:00
- What if my Data isn't Correct? - 05:21
- How to access my Dashboard - 06:02